ZX log: Key: +: buff -: nerf /: fix *: new element =: misc./equal change More symbols = more severe the change Multiple symbols = combined change *Returning weapon: the ETF Rifle. A remixed version of an old, old friend from QuakeStyle's earliest days, the ETF rifle now bears patina and a new purpose. The redone ETF is something of a marksman's piece. It fires fast, accurate red-hot mini-nails with high damage and a slight explosive kick. Two ammo per shot. Slot 3. *New fonts added--variants of the original DBIGFONT and SMALLFNT with lowercase letters as well as capitals. Major thanks to Jimmy for his work on these. +Laser cannon "spinup" and "spindown" sped up a bit =Inventory item limits altered: Quad Damage, Invulnerablity, Power Armor = 2 Double Damage, DualFire Damage, Ammosphere, Regensphere = 3 Blursphere, Haste Sphere = 5 Lightamp, Biosphere, Field Medikit, Armor Repair = 7 +Laser pistol now gives more ammo on pickup +Disintegrator balls now force pain on enemies. Originally intended for them to have VERY heavy knockback, but that didn't work out. +/Gauss Cannon fire rate increased slightly, explosion damage increased, and animation GREATLY improved -HAMR now has slight delay after letting off of the trigger /All nail projectiles now have fullbright, for easier visual tracking +Quad shotty now reloads a wee bit faster =Shotgun, SSG, Quad, Axe and MGL animations improved (SG animations are Per Kristian's, SSG and Quad improvements are mine, MGL and axe improvements are Jay's) //Weapon selection order fixed /Sprite alignments for the grenade launcher and rocket launcher improved /Super nailgun recoded for more smooth functionality (I was still derptastic at modding when I first made that gun.) +Napalm launcher balls now use modified code from DoomZone's version of the Shadow Warrior 2013 flamer-- this kind of effect was what I intended to have all along. -Nailgun and Perforator accuracy reduced --/All weapons that do BFGBlast damage (Destructor, 9K, 10K) were artificially doing double damage to (nearly) everything. I fixed that little issue. As a consequence, the monsters are all a little bit more resistant to BFG fire, though not dramatically -Nail pistol projectile speed reduced slightly --DMC ripping damage reduced massively. It now does a fixed 100 damage per tic, no RNG. In return, its explosive damage is buffed to 500 in a 300 radius, with a 50-unit "full damage radius" -Machinegun guy was OP. Spread increased, damage reduced slightly. /Some enemies wouldn't take damage upon being beaned with a prox mine. Fixed ///Serious bugfixes to Arch-vile, Baron and all enemies who cannot be rezzed by an Arch-vile ++/Unmaker wraiths now bounce off of walls, ceilings and floors. This heightens their destructive potential. /Health and armor bonuses, strong or not, can't be picked up anymore if they'd provide no benefit //ANIMDEFS lump from DoomZone implemented. That means that from here on out, ZX will require DoomZone's patch for TNT: Evilution to avoid crashing the game with that IWAD loaded unless you modify your TNT.WAD to fix the issue.